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Planning your Promotional Campaigns

You can't afford to miss on any chance to promote your business so plan ahead to drive traffic and sales online and instore.

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5 Things to do Before Redesigning Your Website

No matter how great your site design was when you launched it, there comes a time when you will need to consider a redesign. While this might send shivers of terror down your spine, getting a new web site design is a great opportunity to revisit your strategy and look at what your site is doing well, what it is doing poorly, and what you want it to do.

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Can vs. Should. 4 Important Questions

Clients ask us all the time if we CAN do something.  I am proud and confident of our skills so my usual response is "Yes!  Our only limits are your imagination and your budget.  And we have yet to meet a client without a great imagination". The next step though is working out if we really SHOULD be doing what the client asks.  We start with four questions to make sure we both understand the request. 1) Why do you want us to do it?   Knowing the reason behind your request helps us determine if...

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Easy is Harder Than it Looks

"I want my site/store/software to be easy to use" is a requirement we hear all of the time.  The original iPod crushed all of the other MP3 players on the market because it was so easy to use.  History is full of examples of leaps of innovation making things so easy we can't imagine doing it any other way.  Early cars were steered with a tiller like you would a small boat for over a decade.  Doesn't that sound fun?  Hard to imagine though because the steering wheel makes so much sense. The...

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Countdown to Christmas

Plan ahead for the countdown to Christmas and make your holiday season just that much brighter!

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Are you ready for POS integration? Part 1

I have been working with many merchants recently who would like to integrate their Point of Sale (POS) or accounting systems with their eCommerce site.  This is the holy grail for multi-channel or high volume merchants but in almost every case we discover that they are not ready.  There are are 4 main goals that the merchants hope to achieve by integrating their accounting and other systems with their eCommerce site: 1) Ease of building the catalog 2) Inventory updates...

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eCommerce Christmas in June

After more than 10 years providing eCommerce software, service, and support to a wide variety of merchants, you would think I would have gotten into the swing of the summer Christmas rush.  Merchants suddenly wake up to the ticking clock and realise that they need to get busy if they want to launch a new eCommerce site or change platforms before Christmas.  While we have launched a site in as little as 6 weeks (We won't ever do it again mind you.  Long story.) most sites take...

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Dealing with Dynamic Content

One of the challenges of the many components that are available to us in SiteCM is choosing when to use which ones and where. The goal is to create a website that is logical and easy for the end client to use. If a designer has a hard time making sense of how it all comes together how can we expect our clients to understand? It should go without saying that with complex design comes complex content management but SiteCM has the ability to make it easy we just have to be smart about it. The...

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