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Countdown to Christmas

Plan ahead for the countdown to Christmas and make your holiday season just that much brighter!

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Watch and Learn

I was talking with a client the other day who has a regional retail store.  They have been in business for years and have a great reputation.  They are THE store in their industry locally but are getting their butt kicked online.  They know who their online competitors are and are wondering what to do to compete.  Their online competitors are waaaaay bigger with bigger budgets and a national presence so what is the little guy to do? Watch. Learn. Imitate. I am not saying that you have to copy...

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eMail Marketing Frequency

Many retailers and web site owners struggle with creating and sending newsletters on a regular basis.  I know I do.  My monthly newsletters about CommerceCM go out a few days before the end of the month when the panic sets it.  That hasn't changed since highschool.  Recent numbers from the Retail Email Blog though tell me that I have a loooong way to go before I am keeping up with the eMail Jones's.  Top eMail marketers are sending their customers almost 3 emails a week.   Wow! I am not...

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