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Drip Marketing Your Way to Success

Drip marketing is the secret weapon of online marketing for eCommerce merchants and is a core feature of CommerceCM. Get a few ideas here and get started today!

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CommerceCM Update: New Message Centre Trigger

Our most recent build includes a handy new trigger for sending a message or series of messages to new site registrants.

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Where is your web traffic coming from?

You know what sort of traffic your web site is getting but do you know where that traffic is coming from? Google Analytics has the answers you need so you can track and measure your online marketing efforts.

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Competing Online in the Amazon Era

The majority of online shopping starts at Amazon and stays at Amazon. What can a small or midsized retailer to to compete? Keep their head and follow these 7 tips.

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Do you have what it takes?

In Formula One racing, you don't show up at the start line with a fancy car and no gas in the tank.  When I meet with e-commerce prospects I ask three key questions 1) How many unique visitors do you get in an average month? 2) What is your average sale (or what do you anticipate)? 3) What is your sales goal on a yearly basis? Then I crunch the numbers to do a reality check. I assume a conversion ratio of 2% to determine how many sales they can expect to have with current traffic. Why 2%?...

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Not Enough Hours in the Day to Do Everything

I did a presentation last week for the West Broadway BIA here in Vancouver, BC with 5 internet tips for brick and mortar retailers to help them grow their business.  One of the questions that came up, as it always does is, "where does the time come from?".  While this was raised specifically about social media, it pretty much applies to all of the more interactive marketing that seems to be a requirement of succeeding in the connected market place. I believe my response was...

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Abandoned Cart Recapture in CommerceCM

One of our recent updates to CommereCM is our Message Centre.  This is probably one of the most powerful enhancements we have launched in a long time.  Message Centre lets merchants manage messages that are sent to shoppers based on specific user actions .  Message Centre consolidates our order status updates, gift registry messages, gift certificates, order confirmations, and other marketing messages so that they are easier to update, and it adds a bunch of new email marketing automation...

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eMail Marketing Frequency

Many retailers and web site owners struggle with creating and sending newsletters on a regular basis.  I know I do.  My monthly newsletters about CommerceCM go out a few days before the end of the month when the panic sets it.  That hasn't changed since highschool.  Recent numbers from the Retail Email Blog though tell me that I have a loooong way to go before I am keeping up with the eMail Jones's.  Top eMail marketers are sending their customers almost 3 emails a week.   Wow! I am not...

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