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Tables, email clients and images....oh boy.

Any designer who has ever sent their beautifully marked up newsletter to a variety of email clients knows the pain that is email marketing.  Things just don't display quite the same in Gmail and Outlook as they do in a browser window. The industry rule of thumb is to go back to the 90s in terms of your code which means markup should be in tables and inline css. But that doesn't mean that your newsletter has to look like it came out of the 90s. With a few key tips and tricks you can code...

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User Controlled Full Page Backgrounds

Would you believe that there is a CMS that lets your user apply a background on a per page basis? Not only that.  It can scale to fit the browser window. Pretty shiny huh? The SiteCM header image control lets your client select an image to use in a predefined area on a per page basis. It has a default value so that if you don't select an image it will fall back to your default.  It also has a 'use parent' value so that all of the child pages will inherit their parents background or header...

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