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Introduction to PCI Compliance

I found myself explaining PCI Compliance again the other day and thought I would save time and just blog my response so I have it for next time.  Keep in mind this is a layman's view of PCI and while I do spend 90% of my day dealing with eCommerce merchants and their web sites, I am not, nor have I ever been a PCI Professional. PCI stands for "Payment Card Industry" and it is an international standard.  It is not a legislative requirement that I am aware of but it does align with legislation on...

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Finance Minister Announces New Credit/Debit Industry Code of Conduct

This is a puzzling one for me. The finance minister Jim Flaherty has announced changes to a new voluntary code of conduct for the credit card industry in Canada.  The message to the industry apparently is "play nice or we will legislate". This seems like a good plan but a story in the Toronto Star  really doesn't get me too excited.    They say that merchants will have "more clout" negotiating fees and which network they choose.   I don't see that as anything new. The big issue in Canada...

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