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The Power of LinkedIn

When was the last time you posted anything to LinkedIn? My recent simple profile update set off an unexpected ripple effect and convinced me that for B2B networking, I need to pay more attention to LinkedIn.

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It All Starts With Traffic

You aren't going to sell anything or get any leads if you don't have traffic coming to your web site. Check out Rob's Top 5 DIY Tips for growing your site traffic.

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Back to School for your Web Site

Back to School isn't just for kids. Success means learning something new every day. We have always been big believers in helping our customers gain the knowledge they need to succeed so here are our top 4 ideas for going Back to (Web) School.

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Not Enough Hours in the Day to Do Everything

I did a presentation last week for the West Broadway BIA here in Vancouver, BC with 5 internet tips for brick and mortar retailers to help them grow their business.  One of the questions that came up, as it always does is, "where does the time come from?".  While this was raised specifically about social media, it pretty much applies to all of the more interactive marketing that seems to be a requirement of succeeding in the connected market place. I believe my response was...

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Clicks Are Just the Beginning

If you are wondering about the benefits of all of the social media posts, and PPC ads you have been running, you will be interested in the report released this week by market research company Mintel . While the headline is that they forecast ad spending in Social Media will surpass $11 billion by 2017, it was the other data that I found more interesting and concrete: 40% of Social Media users were influenced by social when making purchasing decisions. the 18-34 cohort (Millenials/Gen Y)...

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Hello? Is anyone paying attention?

"Hello... I've tried to call your support lines which told me that I'm not calling within business hours and the system hung up on me (I called at 2PM EST). I have also tried your "Online Assisted Support" and after filling in all of the information I received a web error that told me to try later... I filled in the form on Thursday of last week too with the same results... Are you having some technical difficulties or do you just not want to support your products?" That was the message a...

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Countdown to Christmas

Plan ahead for the countdown to Christmas and make your holiday season just that much brighter!

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3rd Party Widgets & Performance

I have blogged before about building trust and leveraging social media to help promote your site, but after a brief hiccup today for some of our clients, I thought I should warn site owners about some risks associated with all of the buttons, badges and gizmos you load to your site. Many trust marks, live chat, social media toolbars, weather conditions, Google gadgets, Facebook apps and other popular features are pulled in from 3rd party servers.  This is great.  They frequenly give you...

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What the Tweet is it all about?

Twitter is a "micro blogging" tool that allows users to post 140 character updates to their followers.  I was brow beaten into starting to use it byJeanette Miller of LimelitePR in late 2009 and while I am no Ashton Kutcher, I have picked up a few tips along the way. Twitter is not a game changer but it is a great way to connect with your customers and prospects and remind people that you are there in some subtle ways. 1) It's not all about you: Don't just tweet about the sales you are having,...

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