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PPC PT2: Further Adventure

This is the second in what I expect will be recurring series about managing your PPC campaigns. Networks: I have continued to prune our list of automatic placements in Networks with pretty good results.  Over all, I have reduced our spend by about 1/3 saving us thousands of dollars a year.  I have discovered that this is an on going chore but now that I have the worst offenders out of the way I should be able to reduce this to no more than 15 minutes of review and updating a week. In the...

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PPC Advertising: Less is sometimes more

I have had a bit of a "practice what you preach" time over the last few days and I thought I would share. As a consultant, I always tell our customers to PAY ATTENTION to where they are spending their marketing money and MEASURE their ROI.   As a boutique company, much of the PPC advertising falls to me.  I check our accounts every few days and make sure there is room on my credit card when the payments come due.  I have been doing it pretty much like this since, oh, the industry was invented...

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