If you have ever doubted the power of LinkedIn or social media in general, try a simple update to your job title and see what happens!

ideaLEVER has been working with a team of non-profit consultants on a new donor and gift analytics tool for charities and non-profits that rely on many small gifts. A week ago we launched the web site, setup twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, and started looking for beta testers.
As one of the original brainstormers for the project and the project manager on the development I am listed as a Co-Founder on the LinkedIn page we created for the venture. I didn't think much of it at the time because I don't spend a ton of time in LinkedIn. Mistake.
LinkedIn sends out update emails to all users which you might have noticed from time to time. The day after I added my roll at iceni data, the emails started to go out announcing my new position, and the messages started to flow. Traffic to my linked in profile was up 533% week over week as curious contacts wanted to see what had changed. After all, I am pretty boring having been running ideaLEVER since 1995, a new position was pretty groundbreaking. I got dozens of congratulatory messages from colleagues and customers wondered whether I had left! In the first week, LinkedIn sent the new website more traffic than facebook and twitter combined. In fact, LinkedIn has generated 25% of our new visitors.
The interest in the new project has been fantastic and gratifying after dabbling with it for over a year but I wanted to reassure everyone that nothing is changing at ideaLEVER. We are continuing to move both SiteCM and CommerceCM ahead and focus on secure content management and multi-currency and multi-lingual e-commerce. The iceni data project was a great opportunity to work with some industry leaders to develop an innovative new product and dip our toes into data analytics. It has allowed us to experiment with new tools and technologies without risking our core products and disrupting our hundreds of current users. We have already been able to apply some of the new work on iceni back into the upcoming release of SiteCM and have generated many more ideas that will be rolling out in the coming months and years.
But the moral of the story? If you are not using LinkedIn as part of your B2B Social Media strategy, you are missing out.
Tags: social media, data, iceni, non-profit, analytics, charity, linkedin