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Professionals Generate Leads with SiteCM

Being in the competitive mortgage broker business Ryan Smith needed a way to stand out from the crowd.  We launched a new site for Ryan and the site is already attracting new leads.  And his site shows up on page one of a Google search return on generic industry specific terms! Here’s part of the secret…

SiteCM not only puts you, the site owner, in complete control of the content on your site but also in control of the Metadata.  With SiteCM you easily control your keywords and description.  Set up default settings that copy to each page or customize them for each page on your site.  Choose your keywords carefully and keep each page focused on a specific subject.  Monitor your results regularly and if certain strategies aren’t working just login and make changes quickly. 

Also don’t forget to sign up for Google My Business and put yourself on Google’s map.  Very important to get yourself listed here so you can show up on the search return map.

Want to know the rest of the secret?  Need a hand with your Professional Services business?  Contact us and find out more about SiteCM and how to manage your SEO strategy.


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