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Thinking of expanding your web presence by adding another domain? In the early days of the Internet we were limited to .com, ,net, .ca and 3 or 4 more. Today there are over 250 gTLD’s to choose from! Here are the top ten domain extensions and the bottom ten registered in the past 2 weeks (source Tucows). The total number of registrations for that extension is listed beside each one.

Top 10

  1. .london - 7998

  2. .club - 5234

  3. .xyz - 4402

  4. .link - 4033

  5. .guru - 2434

  6. .photography - 2348

  7. .email - 2012

  8. .company - 1874

  9. .rocks - 1809

  10. .today - 1783

Bottom 10

  1. .sarl - 9

  2. .ltda - 7

  3. .yokohama - 7

  4. .gives - 6

  5. .degree - 4

  6. .nagoya - 4

  7. .vote - 3

  8. .voto - 2

  9. .ruhr  - 2

  10. .cricket - 1

Not all domain extensions are available to everyone. Many regional ones have specific rules. For example to register .melbourne (ranked 210) you must have a physical location in the State of Victoria, Australia. However anyone can register .yoga, .party or .hockey. If you have ideas you would like to explore please give us a call. Hmmm… I kind of like the sounds of
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