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One of the early features of CommerceCM was the Ad Manager which lets our e-commerce merchants run groups of internal ads on their sites in predefined locations determined during their design phase.  With the move to Responsive Design, we pretty much stopped using these for the last few years because static images ads didn't work well when resized for smaller devices. 

The latest build of CommerceCM includes a huge upgrade that puts the Ad Manager back in the mix for our Responsive eCommerce websites.

New Functionality Includes:

  1. The ability to use Content Blocks:  This was key to improving the usefulness of Ad Manager.  Content Blocks can contain images and text and are already responsive. 
  2. Scheduling:  Merchants can specify start and end dates for specific ads. 
  3. Currency Specific: For years Ad Manager has supported different ads for different languages but more of our customers run multi-currency websites than run multi-lingual websites.  Now ads can be targeted to users based on their currency as well allowing merchants to display pricing and localize ads with greater accuracy (Canada Day vs 4th of July ads, Mothering Sunday in the UK vs Mothers Day in North America)

Of course the Ad Manager maintains all of the original functionality that our merchants loved.

  • Run multiple ads in a single location for easy A/B testing
  • Ad weighting
  • Impression Tracking
  • Click Tracking
  • Conversion Tracking

Find out more unique Multi-Currency and Multi-Lingual eCommerce features built into CommerceCM

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